Connect and Dive in the Future

Temperature [ °C ]

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Humidity [ % ]

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Wind Speed [ m/s ]

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Pressure [ mb ]

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Precipitation [ mm ]

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SW Down [ W/m2 ]

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Weather conditions have a significant impact on some of the key indicators of economic activity like Agriculture, Independent Power Producer (IPP), Demand for Electricity, Aviation, Trade, Insurance/Banking, and Disaster Management, etc.

Accurate information on weather events is required to mitigate the losses in the sectors mentioned above and optimize the decision-making process.

Weather Plant with its technological advancement, provides precise weather information with hybrid modeling of customized dynamics of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the different time scales and region-specific.



Agriculture Sector

India is an agrarian economy where crop yield is highly dependent on the monsoonal rainfall. Although break spells of monsoon and unexpected weather events may considerably affect economic growth.

Short term accurate weather forecasts help farmers to mitigate losses in crop yield by choosing appropriate fertilizers to be used in the field. Also, crop insurance companies can estimate their creditworthiness in these areas.

Energy Sector

Clean sources of energy, such as solar and wind, are required to reduce the carbon footprints. However, the accurate forecast of solar radiation and wind speed at turbine-height is still a significant challenge in countries like India.

We provide accurate forecasts of solar insolation and wind speed at turbine height on a customizable forecast length for specific plant locations.

Disaster Management

The number and cost of climate-related disasters have been steadily increasing over the past few decades. Lives and livelihoods are increasingly at stake, as well as economic growth and national development.

Timely information on cyclonic activity, cloud bursts, drought, and sudden rainfall can be utilized for the betterment of society.
